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>> ON LOVE or What does Feminism stand for today?

Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.” Karl Marx, 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonapatre

In the course of hundred years from great October revolution initiated by female textile workers it is appropriate to ask our self: “Can we do it one more time?” or we lost ourselves in the jaws of postmodern relativity and variety. This year issue of queerograd seeks to collaboratively explore contemporary positions of feminism. In contrast to the corporate or lean-in feminism – embodied in Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president or in the new established W20, a so-called G20 dialogue process – we want to sustain our attachment to Left analysis, but to throw off the melancholic and conservative habits of the Left. In opposition to a legalistic, technocratic approach to women’s rights we want to use the feelings and sentiments — including those of sorrow, rage, and anxiety about broken promises and lost compasses – to wake the critical and visionary feminist spirit again and through various artistic, theoretical and activist practices express our objects of love - In what we do believe and what we do stand for!

On International Women's Day in 1917 (February 23 by the Julian calendar), women in textile industry left their factories and took to the streets in Petrograd to demand bread and peace. In large numbers they entered the public sphere as workers and as sisters, mothers, wives or friends of soldiers at the front. The protests of working women posed such a threat that even the Tsarist security forces did not dare to take the usual measures against the rebels but looked on in confusion at the stormy sea of the people's anger. Old prejudices helped women that day; while Russia’s capitalists had assumed that women are the most oppressed and socially backward group in Russian society and therefore the most obedient and trouble-free members of the workforce, the mostly male Petrograd socialist leaders also didn’t expect the celebration of International Women’s Day to be the catalyst for revolution. This was a miscalculation. The actions of the undisciplined, disobedient women that existed side by side with the image of the backward female worker triggered food riots and a mass strike, ultimately leading to the fall of Tsar Nicholas. Since its beginning in 1910 the International Working Women’s Day turned out to be an excellent method of agitation among less politically engaged women as well as a tool for strengthening the international solidarity of women. The history of February Russian Revolution and its aftermath can’t be understood without the knowledge about woman’s participation in demonstrations, political marches, various forms of female activism that was not about some imaginary ideal of womanhood, but about many real women demanding their rights and being active in the process of changing history.

A century after, in the beginning of 2017, on January 21, people of all backgrounds came together to stand collectively for dignity, justice and freedom in the face of attacks on public services, political identities and human lives. The historic Women’s March took place on the first full day of the Trump administration. Millions of women and men clogged the streets around the US to show the deep revulsion and opposition to Trump. Newly elected US president accused of sexual assault by many women got the power to pursue a political agenda that will make ordinary women’s lives harder. Since January 21 showed the potential for the re-emergence of a feminist movement, it inspired the call on March 8 for the International Women’s Strike (IWS), that was not just against Trump and his misogynist policies, but also against the conditions that produced Trump, namely the decades-long economic inequality, racial and sexual violence, and imperial wars abroad. For years, International Women’s Day has gone unnoticed or was depoliticized. However, this year women in more than 50 countries went on strike from paid and unpaid labor and millions took part in direct action. Feminist, grassroot, and socialist organizations around the world have called for participation in defense of reproductive rights and against violence, understood as economic, institutional, and interpersonal violence. From Thailand to Poland, the United States to Australia actions on both, the industrial and the domestic fronts were unfolded, but they didn’t change the course of history. The International Women’s Strike made a qualitative and quantitative leap in the long post-2008 process of reconstructing an international social mobilization against neoliberalism and imperialism, but it remained a day of action, that demonstrates the massive (in)capability of contemporary mass movements.

In the light of farcical repetition we can observe also the financial crisis of 2008 that is considered by many economists as the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. If the negative effects of the stock market crash from 1929 ended with the rise of fascism in Europe and the beginning of WWII, the aftermath of the last global economic downturn called the Great Recession was accompanied by massive bail-outs of financial institutions and the rise of so-called Post-fascism. While public authorities in fear of the crash of the world financial system introduced austerity measures to meet the needs of people, they massively started to put public money into the broken (private) banking system. This triggered huge rage among the population world wide. Massive resistance against neoliberal policies organized in various movements from Occupy, Gezi Park and Black Lives Matter to massive student protests, workers strikes and Standing Rock, brought people together to fight against social inequalities. Local governments answered with the introduction of draconian restrictive and repressive measures that reached their peak in the anti-migration legislation. In this situation, the ultra conservative rhetoric again found its way to appear on the floor of the history. However, the repetition of its occurrence came as a farce. Post-fascism is a concept that attempts to grasp a mutation process that is still underway. Today "Post-fascists" are linked to the historical "fascist matrix", yet, at the same time they diverge from historical fascism. Still far-Right, chauvinistic and xenophobic they found their political niche without upsetting the dominant political forms of electoral democracy and representative government. Despite of presenting themselves as defenders of democracy, they are hostile to universal citizenship and by that against the right on equal political participation. Although it seemed that citizenship can’t be a privilege, limited to a particular class, race, creed, gender, political participation, morals, profession, patronage, and administrative fiat, present reality is showing us an other picture.

This radical conservative turn, disguised as a defense of democracy and western values was only possible under the conditions of postmodernity. Although it seemed just as a new “ism” the introduction of postmodernism profoundly changed the standards of social critique and political practice. If the neoliberal social restructuring is the inner truth of postmodernism, then its most significant feature or practice today is pastiche. Pastiche is the imitation of a peculiar or unique style, the wearing of a stylistic mask, speech in a dead language. It is a neutral practice of mimicry, without ulterior motive, without satirical impulse, without laughter, without that still latent feeling that there exists something normal compared to which what is being imitated is rather comic. It is a parody that has lost its sense of humor. As a blank parody without any political bite it was a suitable cultural practice to normalize the far-Right discourse. Imitating the defenders of democracy, today‘s post-fascists are demanding the closing of borders for refugees and migrants, the abolition of abortion, the revision of the history of WW2 and the return of traditional (western) values embedded into the white, christian, patriarchal family. Using the practice of mimicry like pink-washing or zipper system for political marketing they are rebranding their public appearance. And there is no place for humor.

If the historical answer on fascism was the rise of anti-fascistic movements, than we need to up-date the meaning of anti-fascism, suitable for the present political situation. Anti-fascism was a main essence of the Left. However, since the late twentieth century we are experiencing the “crisis of the Left”. The dismantlement of socialism as a social project and the rise of neoliberal global capitalism deepened the inner dispersal and diversification on the Left (which after all, is not necessarily an obstacle for greater democratization). The famous Left melancholia represents not only a refusal to recover from this loss, but also a refusal to rethink proper strategies in the light of political identity for mobilization, alliance-building, or transformation. The contemporary Left often clings to the conceptions of another epoch, one in which the notions of unified movements, social totalities, and class-based politics were viable categories of political and theoretical analysis. Structural analysis and traditional class theory can help us to understand the contemporary socio-political processes, but it is the ideological and cultural frame that forms people’s subjective understanding of their place in the world.

Therefore, if we want to build a new, powerful, anti-capitalist, and tranglobal feminist movement, it is important for us to understand our position in contemporary capitalist societies and to articulate our political visions. Today the claim for women’s civil rights is political mainstream, yet rights alone are not enough and we have to learn to make use of them. The election of Donald Trump, a man that has breathed new life into the old insult of “sexist pig”, is clearly showing how the right to vote is a two-side coin. Since achieving active membership in the political community was a long historical fight of the left, we have to respond on today’s citizenship restraints. Our Gilded Age of global capitalism that has spread to every nook and cranny of the world and integrated into each human relation, demands new forms of organization and resistance. In this sense the repetition of achievements of the February Revolution is impossible. Yet, the shackles of the family, of housework, of prostitution, and other forms of cheap labor force still weigh heavily on the woman. To invent new forms and modes of fighting against the world of suffering, humiliations and inequality that makes the life of the woman so hard is our task and our responsibility.




    04.11.2017 The Cimi Schulz Show

    04.11.2017 >> The Cimi Schulz Show

    04.11.2017 Feministisches Gelage

    04.11.2017 >> Feminist Banquet

    03.11.2017 ADHS

    03.11.2017 >> ADHS

    03.11.2017 >> Rotterdam

    03.11.2017 Rotterdam

    03.11.2017 >> Daily Rhythms Collective

    03.11.2017 Daily Rhythms Collective

    03.11.2017 Von Superfrauen und Frühlingsunis

    03.11.2017 >> On Superwomen and Spring Universities

    02.11.2017 Grrrls Crew

    02.11.2017 >> Grrrls Crew

    02.11.2017 >> Circle A

    02.11.2017 Circle A

    02.11.2017 >> The Housewife’s Fatal Submission

    02.11.2017 The Housewife’s Fatal Submission

    02.11.2017 Geburt der Venus

    02.11.2017 Tonträger

    02.11.2017 >> Tonträger

    02.11.2017 Free Your Head - Trag DEIN Kopftuch

    02.11.2017 >> Free Your Head - Wear YOUR Head Scarf

    02.11.2017 Feministisches Rollenbild

    02.11.2017 >> Feminist Roll Model

    02.11.2017 >> Birth of Venus

    02.11.2017 HMD (Head Mounted Display)

    02.11.2017 >> HMD (Head Mounted Display)

    02.11.2017 Der Kirschkern

    02.11.2017 >> Der Kirschkern / The Cherry Pit

    02.11.2017 Ladies Wrestling

    02.11.2017 >> Ladies Wrestling

    02.11.2017 We Prepare The Space

    02.11.2017 >> We Prepare The Space

    02.11.2017 Brandrede

    02.11.2017 >> Brandrede

    02.11.2017 ON LOVE oder Was bedeutet Feminismus heute?

    02.11.2017 >> ON LOVE or What does Feminism stand for today?

    05.11.2016 >>Monique Fessl

    05.11.2016 Monique Fessl

    05.11.2016 Jooklo Duo & Mette Rasmussen

    05.11.2016 >>Jooklo Duo & Rasmussen

    05.11.2016 EsRap

    05.11.2016 >>EsRap

    05.11.2016 Down Dox

    05.11.2016 >>Down Dox

    05.11.2016 Žen

    05.11.2016 >>Žen

    05.11.2016 SED Sozialistische Eingreif Druppe

    05.11.2016 >> SED Sozialistische Eingreif Druppe

    05.11.2016 Talente-Versteigerung mit Down Dox

    05.11.2016 >>Talent Auction with Down Dox

    05.11.2016 >>Wilhelmine show me the NO

    05.11.2016 Wilhelmine show me the NO

    05.11.2016 Simon Hafner: Kunst und Ideologie oder Kunst und das System der Normen

    05.11.2016 >>Simon Hafner: Art and Ideology or Art and the System of Norms

    05.11.2016 Judith Goetz: Angriffe auf Kunst und Kultur

    05.11.2016 >>Judith Goetz: Assault on Art and Culture

    05.11.2016 >>Simon Windisch: Theatre is elitist

    05.11.2016 Simon Windisch: Theater ist elitär

    05.11.2016 Leni Kastl: Moderation

    05.11.2016 >>Leni Kastl: Presentation

    05.11.2016 Daimond Rai

    05.11.2016 >>Daimon Rai

    05.11.2016 >>ETC - The boat is full

    05.11.2016 ETC - Das Boot ist voll

    05.11.2016 Ulla Sladek: Fotos aus der Dose

    05.11.2016 >>Ulla Sladek: Photos from a can

    04.11.2016 >>Slobodan Milosevic

    04.11.2016 Slobodan Milosevic

    04.11.2016 Ina Sladić: This is not my piece

    04.11.2016 >>Ina Sladić: This is not my piece

    04.11.2016 Marlies Pratter: Moderation

    04.11.2016 >>Marlies Pratter: Presentation

    04.11.2016 Anna Hadley: Dolmetsch

    04.11.2016 >>Anna Hadley: Interpreter

    04.11.2016 Nayari Castillo: Antikapitalistische Methodologie in der Kunst

    04.11.2016 >>Nayari Castillo: Anticapitalist methodology in art

    04.11.2016 >>Irina Karamarkovic

    04.11.2016 Irina Karamarkovic

    04.11.2016 FORT - Workshop für Frauen*

    04.11.2016 >>FORT - Workshop for Women*

    03.11.2016 Azad John

    03.11.2016 >>Azad John

    03.11.2016 Couscous & Boris Hauf

    03.11.2016 >>Cousscous & Boris Hauf

    03.11.2016 Patrizia Ferrara

    03.11.2016 Niconote

    03.11.2016 Muskel

    03.11.2016 >>Patrizia Ferrara

    03.11.2016 >>Niconote

    03.11.2016 >>Muskel

    03.11.2016 Henry H und Signdance Collective International

    03.11.2016 >>Henry H and Signdance Collective International

    03.11.2016 Veza Fernández: Veza or patience will bring you roses

    03.11.2016 >>Veza Fernández: Veza or patience will bring you roses

    03.11.2016 >>Kurt Gruber: Pyrograd – Not every recipe results in a cake

    03.11.2016 Kurt Gruber: Pyrograd - Nicht aus jedem Rezept wird Kuchen

    03.11.2016 bakadayo: Your Preasure Is My Preasure

    03.11.2016 >>bakadayo: Your Preasure Is My Preasure

    03.11.2016 >>Baustellenbagage

    03.11.2016 >>Mário José Santos Soares: Stickerlife in Graz 2016

    03.11.2016 >>Georg Dinstl: Are we really that hungry?

    03.11.2016 Georg Dinstl: Are we really that hungry?

    03.11.2016 >>KenFM in conversation with Prof. Rainer Mausfeld

    03.11.2016 Baustellenbagage

    03.11.2016 Mário José Santos Soares: Stickerleben in Graz 2016

    03.11.2016 Philipp Strohmeier: Clara und Olympia

    03.11.2016 >>Philipp Strohmeier: Clara und Olympia

    03.11.2016 Lidija Krienzer-Radojević: Kapitalisierung eines Kunstwerks von der Kunstweltmaschine

    03.11.2016 >>Lidija Krienzer-Radojević: Capitalization of art work by the art world machine

    03.11.2016 KenFM im Gespräch mit Prof. Rainer Mausfeld

    03.11.2016 Zhenja: Sei gegrüßt, Kapitalismus!

    03.11.2016 >> Zhenja: Greetings, capitalism!

    03.11.2016 Eva Wolf

    03.11.2016 >>Eva Wolf

    03.11.2016 Alexandra Zsolnai: Fakanál (fuckanal)

    03.11.2016 >>Alexandra Zsolnai: Fakanál (fuckanal)

    03.11.2016 Keyvan Paydar: The beard is present

    03.11.2016 >>Keyvan Paydar: The Beard is present

    03.11.2016 Evè Prechtl

    03.11.2016 >>Evè Prechtl

    03.11.2016 Oni Kava: Zafara

    03.11.2016 >>Maria Schneider: Akrasia

    03.11.2016 >>Oni Kava: Zafara

    03.11.2016 Maria Schneider: Akrasia

    03.11.2016 Karin Goldgruber

    03.11.2016 >>Karin Goldgruber

    03.11.2016 Paul Lässer: Marterpfahl

    03.11.2016 >>Paul Lässer: Stake

    03.11.2016 Roter Keil: Gelddruckperformance

    03.11.2016 >>Roter Keil: Money Print Performance

    03.11.2016 Lara Podesser: Goldene Spur

    03.11.2016 >>Lara Podesser: Golden Trace

    03.11.2016 Martin Glawitsch: Schlaftrunken

    03.11.2016 Leon: Morituri Te Salutant!

    03.11.2016 >>Leon: Morituri Te Salutant!

    03.11.2016 Johanna Bonsels: Menú del dia

    03.11.2016 >>Johanna Bonsels: Menú del dia

    03.11.2016 >>Martin Glawitsch: Drowsy

    03.11.2016 Alexandru Cosarca: Trost or just a random opera

    03.11.2016 Semir Plivac: Braucht man Geld um Kunst zu machen?

    03.11.2016 BJ Nevenko

    03.11.2016 >>Alexandru Cosarca: Trost or just a random opera

    03.11.2016 >>Semir Plivac: Do you need money to make art?

    03.11.2016 >>BJ Nevenko

    03.11.2016 Semir Plivac: Neuropa – Happy... New Years

    03.11.2016 >>Semir Plivac: Neuropa – Happy... New Years

    11.11.2015 Irina Karamarkovic _ english

    11.11.2015 marlies pratter

    11.11.2015 Leni Kastl_english

    11.11.2015 Caroline Metzger

    11.11.2015 Anna Hadley

    11.11.2015 Mustafa Kasem und Nabeel Taha

    11.11.2015 Mohamed Moustafa

    11.11.2015 Benedikt-Lars Kaiser

    10.11.2015 Maria Lisch

    09.11.2015 Over the dark mirror*

    09.11.2015 die liebe ist ein kind der tat.

    09.11.2015 Anita Hofer, Conrad Stachl

    09.11.2015 H.J.Schubert

    08.11.2015 Nayari Castillo

    08.11.2015 Kochworkshop KAMA Graz _ Bisrat

    08.11.2015 Kochworkshop KAMA Graz _ Sara und Mohammad

    08.11.2015 Kochworkshop KAMA Graz _ Kalyani

    08.11.2015 Karoline Rudolf

    07.11.2015 Barbara Plavcak

    07.11.2015 Peter Wagner

    07.11.2015 Angelika Thon

    07.11.2015 Fanny Müller-Uri

    07.11.2015 Fanny Müller-Uri - Workshop – Von Charity zu Anti-Rassismus

    07.11.2015 Mutt/Mayr/Hackl

    07.11.2015 Opcion

    06.11.2015 Ottavia

    06.11.2015 Isabella Praher und Antonia Rath

    06.11.2015 Elvedin Klačar

    06.11.2015 Henry H.

    06.11.2015 Refugee-Protest-Camp in Graz

    06.11.2015 Roland Frühwirth

    06.11.2015 SigndanceCollective International/ Henry H.

    06.11.2015 Victoria Kumar


    06.11.2015 Dominik Egger _ Spendenkonvoi Graz

    06.11.2015 Aigul Hakimova

    06.11.2015 Lonesome Hot Dudes

    06.11.2015 drinnen und draußen – queerograd 2015

    06.11.2015 Hildegund Koboltschnig

    06.11.2015 Ahmad Ayad

    06.11.2015 Elvedin Klačar _english

    06.11.2015 Refugee-Protest-Camp_english

    06.11.2015 Victoria Kumar_english

    05.11.2015 Stefan Salomon

    05.11.2015 Stefan Benedik

    05.11.2015 Stefan Benedik_english

    05.11.2015 Isabella Praher und Antonia Rath

    05.11.2015 Bruckner

    05.11.2015 Bruckner _ english

    05.11.2015 KRK

    05.11.2015 Leni Kastl _ Workshop

    05.11.2015 Lidija Krienzer-Radojevic

    05.11.2015 KAMA Graz

    05.11.2015 Irina Karamarkovic

    01.11.2014 Sa. 01.11. ab 22:00 Ana Threat (Nightline) [eng]

    01.11.2014 Sa. 01.11. ab 22:00 Just Friends and Lovers (Nightline)

    01.11.2014 Sa. 01.11. ab 22:00 Just Friends and Lovers (Nightline) [eng]

    01.11.2014 Sa. 01.11. ab 22:00 Ana Threat (Nightline)

    01.11.2014 Sa. 01.11. ab 20:30 Denice Bourbon (Performance)

    01.11.2014 Sa. 01.11. ab 20:30 Mireia Arnella (Performance)

    01.11.2014 Sa. 01.11. ab 20:30 Denice Bourbon (Performance) [eng]

    01.11.2014 Sa. 01.11 ab 20:30 Mireia Arnella (Performance) [eng]

    01.11.2014 Sa. 01.11. ab 18:00 Andromaque Ruzindana, Khatera Sadr (Lecture+Talk)

    01.11.2014 Sa. 01.11. ab 18:00 Marissa Lôbo (Lecture+Talk)

    01.11.2014 Sa. 01.11. ab 18:00 Moderation Jette Musger

    01.11.2014 Sa. 01.11. ab 18:00 Andromaque Ruzindana, Khatera Sadr (Lecture+Talk) [eng]

    01.11.2014 Sa. 01.11. ab 18:00 Marissa Lôbo (Lecture+Talk) [eng]

    01.11.2014 Sa. 01.11. ab 18:00 Moderation Jette Musger [eng]

    01.11.2014 Sa. 01.11. ab 14:30 Maria Jiku (Bondage Workshop)

    01.11.2014 Sa. 01.11. ab 14:30 Maria Jiku (Bondage Workshop) [eng]

    31.10.2014 Fr. 31.10. ab 22:00 LARVE (Kurzfilmscreening)

    31.10.2014 Fr. 31.10. ab 22:00 Bird of the Year (Nightline)

    31.10.2014 Fr. 31.10. ab 22:00 Nancy Transit (Nightline)

    31.10.2014 Fr. 31.10. ab 22:00 Nancy Transit (Nightline) [eng]

    31.10.2014 Fr. 31.10. ab 22:00 Bird of the Year (Nightline) [eng]

    31.10.2014 Fr. 31.10. ab 20:30 vulvas on stage² (Lecture Performance)

    31.10.2014 Fr. 31.10. ab 20:30 MARIAJIKU888 (Bondage Performance)

    31.10.2014 Fr. 31.10. ab 20:30 vulvas on stage² (Lecture Performance) [eng]

    31.10.2014 Fr. 31.10. ab 20:30 MARIAJIKU888 (Bondage Performance) [eng]

    31.10.2014 31.10. + 01.11. 19:00 - 23:00 mit Janja, Mai und Rebeca

    31.10.2014 31.10. + 01.11. 19:00 - 23:00 with Janja, Mai und Rebeca [eng]

    31.10.2014 Fr. 31.10. ab 18:00 NANCY TRANSIT (feat. Hermes Phettberg) (Video + Talk) [eng]

    31.10.2014 Fr. 31.10. ab 18:00 Sol Haring (Lecture+Talk)

    31.10.2014 Fr. 31.10. ab 18:00 Didi Bruckmayr (Lecture+Talk)

    31.10.2014 Fr. 31.10. ab 18:00 Sol Haring (Lecture+Talk) [eng]

    31.10.2014 Fr. 31.10. ab 18:00 Didi Bruckmayr (Lecture+Talk) [eng]

    31.10.2014 Fr. 31.10. ab 18:00 NANCY TRANSIT (feat. Hermes Phettberg) (Video + Talk)

    31.10.2014 Fr. 31.10. ab 18:00 NANCY TRANSIT (feat. Hermes Phettberg) (Video + Talk) [eng]

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. - Sa. 01.11. SM (Nightline)

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. - Sa. 01.11. SM (Nightline) [eng]

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. ab 22:00 DownDox (Nightline)

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. ab 22:00 Petra und der Wolf (Nightline)

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. ab 22:00 DownDox (Nightline) [eng]

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. ab 22:00 Petra und der Wolf (Nightline) [eng]

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. ab 21:30 Leni Kastl (Performance)

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. ab 21:30 Leni Kastl (Performance) [eng]

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. ab 19:00 Carina Klammer (Lecture+Talk)

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. ab 19:00 Steven Weiss (Lecture+Talk)

    30.10.2014 30.10. + 31.10. ab 18:00 _ Moderation Christoph Hartner

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. ab 19:00 Steven Weiss (Lecture+Talk) [engl.]

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. ab 19:00 Carina Klammer (Lecture+Talk) [eng]

    30.10.2014 30.10. + 31.10. ab 18:00 _ Moderation Christoph Hartner [eng]

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. - Sa. 01.11. Nicole Pruckermayr (Installation)

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. - Sa. 01.11. Maryam Mohammadi (Installation)

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. - Sa. 01.11. Leni Kastl (Installation)

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. - Sa. 01.11. B.B. versorgt Sie mit Liebe

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. - Sa. 01.11. Andrea Schabernack: Haut zeigen (Live-Installation)

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. - Sa. 01.11. Roter Keil: Objekte und Installationen

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. - Sa. 01.11. ArtFem.TV, Kuratiert von Evelin Stermitz (Screening)

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. - Sa. 01.11. Nicole Pruckermayr (Installation) [eng]

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. - Sa. 01.11. Maryam Mohammadi (Installation) [eng]

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. - Sa. 01.11. B.B. versorgt Sie mit Liebe [eng]

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. - Sa. 01.11. Andrea Schabernack: Haut zeigen (Live-Installation) [eng]

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. - Sa. 01.11. Roter Keil: Objekte und Installationen [eng]

    30.10.2014 Do. 30.10. - Sa. 01.11. ArtFem.TV, Kuratiert von Evelin Stermitz (Screening) [eng]

    08.10.2014 Über die Haut

    06.07.2014 Ulrike Sowodniok

    05.07.2014 Wolfram Spyra

    04.07.2014 Clara Oppel

    28.09.2013 Sa. 28.09. 23:30 Madame Snivlem [AT] (Nightline)

    28.09.2013 Sa. 28.09. 22:30 Ste McCabe [GB] (Live-Konzert)

    28.09.2013 Sa. 28.09. 21:00 Zsuzsanna Balla [H]: Von chaotischen Systemen (Tanzperformance)

    28.09.2013 Sa. 28.09. 18:00 Katharina Pühl [D]: Queere Perspektiven auf Kollektivität & Ökonomie (Vortrag und Diskussion)

    28.09.2013 Sa. 28.09. 16:00 kollektiv leben - shades][identities workshop

    28.09.2013 Sa. 28.09. 12:00/ 14:00/ 16:00 Leni Kastl [A] *queering tantra* - gruppenselbstliebe

    28.09.2013 Sa. 28.09. 10:00 Leni Kastl [A] *queering tantra* - DIY für den Alltag

    27.09.2013 Fr. 27.09. 23:30 Slobodan Milosevic [AT] (Nightline)

    27.09.2013 Fr. 27.09. 22:30 möström [A] (Live-Konzert)

    27.09.2013 Fr. 27.09. 21:00 vulvas on stage²: votzen karussell [A] (Performance)

    27.09.2013 Fr. 27.09./ Sa. 28.09. 19:30 Veza Fernández [E/A], Katharina Wind [A]: 8 Minuten (Tanzperformance)

    27.09.2013 Fr. 27.09. 18:00 Sushila Mesquita: Queering the family!? (Vortrag und Diskussion)

    27.09.2013 Fr. 27.09. / Sa. 28.09. 18:00 Leo Lippert [AT] (Moderation)

    27.09.2013 Fr. 27.09. 14:30 Polyamory oder "Verantwortungsvolle Nicht-Monogamie" Ein (Erfahrungs-)Austausch [A] (Workshop)

    26.09.2013 Do. 26.09. 23:30 DJane Monique Fessl [AT] (Nightline)

    26.09.2013 Do. 26.09. 23:00 Crazy Bitch in a Cave [A] (Live-Act)

    26.09.2013 Do. 26.09. 22:00 maneki nekoč [A] (Livekonzert)

    26.09.2013 Do. 26.09. 21:00 S.T.D. - Sexually Transmitted Disorders [A] (Musikperformance)

    26.09.2013 Do. 26.09. 19:30 Karoline Boehm: Let’s talk about Sex Polyamorie (Vortrag und Diskussion)

    26.09.2013 Do. 26.09. 18:00 Christoph Hartner [AT] (Moderation)

    26.09.2013 Do. 26. - Sa. 28.09. Clara Oppel [DE]: Sfumato

    26.09.2013 Do. 26. - Sa. 28.09. Veza M Fernández [ES/AT] Florian Pochlatko [AT] Sara Tirelli [IT] Lisa Weber [AT]: 8 Minuten (Installation)

    26.09.2013 Do. 26. - Sa. 28.09. Wolfram Spyra [DE]: PING PONG (Installation)

    26.09.2013 Do. 26. - Sa. 28.09. B.B. versorgt Sie mit Liebe [Österreichischer Zigeuner]

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